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Providing superior sourcing and manufacturing solutions.

The Team

Simon Leibovich - Business Analysis

Ostop Pashko - Lead Developer

Project Details

Length of Project - 3 weeks

Goal - Create a new marketing site for Globe-Tex that will convey its international market and show examples of client work.

Me - Lead UX/UI Designer

Stakeholder Meeting

Meeting with main stakeholders and business analysis to review needs and expectations of the client.


We do many different textiles but I would say we specialize in sportswear.

Most of our clients feel trapped with either needing to create orders that are too large or pay too much per unit. 

Brands we would like to emulate would be Nike, Under Armour, and Asics.

Comparative Analysis

We looked at the top competitor sites as well as related fields such as designer companies to identify pattern commonalities for the following.
Use this for apples to apples comparisons:
  • Color Palette
  • Typography
  • Image Content
  • Marketing Copy
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Insight 1

Content Focused


One of Globe-tex's goals for their new site was to appeal to more sport apparel companies and to communicate their logistical  capabilities. 

Insight 2

Simplicity is key.


Flows, layouts, color, and styles need be simple to allow Globe-Tex's clients to see their own products. 


Elements are few but are dynamic and BOLD.

Insight 3

Competitors Alignment


Layouts are very clean and and the overlapping elements enhances movement in static images.

Design Direction

Solutions should be broad enough to fit most of Globe-Tex's clients and help them see their own products in the current market. 

Journey Map

In the journey map depicts how users locate and interact with the product and how it can fulfill business goals
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As an overall business Globe-Tex has many advantages, however to complete Globe-tex's experience is to set their customers at ease from the research phase of their clients. They need to show their expertise relative to the current market as well as showing them a possible vision of their own product.

Site Map

The site map should be relatively simple as to not distract from their clients research mind set.
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Quick sketches using pen and paper done in a group with stake holders, designers, and developers


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